21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Eleven

Life is big and for most of us it is “full on”. Between work, family, friends, church, and so on we find ourselves running from one thing to another until we collapse at the end of the day and get ready to do it all again the next. Consistently we are pulled on by other people, we are inundated by requests, orders, and all while surrounded by the ambient noise that this world produces.

Everywhere we go we find a multitude of people seemingly going to the same place. It’s unavoidable. People, people everywhere and not a soul to see seems to be the mindset. We’re surrounded and there’s a societal expectation for us to operate and derive our identity within the horde we find ourselves enclosed by and in doing so we are also then expected to thrive. 

In our endeavour to do all the things, our minds are constantly working and reworking scenarios and future actions and it is crowded in there, too. It has gotten to the point that our minds are so far ahead of our bodies that we are, in essence, walking about tilted forward and in danger of completely tipping over.

Jesus had a crazy busy life. He had bevies of people galavanting after him, asking him questions, touching him, expecting great things to happen and even greater things to be said. He got so crowded one time he actually got into a boat and preached from there. Crazy! What was his go-to to keep sane? Solitude. There are many instances that are recorded in the gospels where he went away either alone to connect with Father God or to just be with his disciples.

If Jesus sought solitude, shouldn’t we? Solitude is good and is also healthy (and all the enneagram 9s said amen!). It has the ability not only to realign our mind and body so that we’re walking upright again, but it can also enhance creativity and help prevent burnout. Solitude, though, is a choice and it can be uncomfortable, although necessary. 

The greatest thing about solitude though, is that it helps us filter out all the noise around us and helps us tune more into the voice of God. Matthew 11:28 in the Message says “Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me; watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

How fantastic is that?! 

Think of solitude as an active way of being still and knowing He is God (Psalms 46:10). It is learning to shut off all the distractions (phone, tv, etc); to learn to stop doubting and build up your faith; and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He is in control, that He is your fortress, that He is King, Father, shepherd, and your ever present help in every situation.

So what are you waiting for? Carve out the time and get away with the Lover of your soul, He’s set a table for two and He’s waiting for you.

Michele Henter

Relate Surrey Dream Team



Pray for: Jobs and Careers

Psalm 90:17

Pray for each business and business owner at Relate Church. Pray that God’s favour increases their efforts and accelerates their increase. Pray for new opportunities and open doors in jobs and careers, and for promotion for those working. Pray for opportunities to minister at work.