Here at relate kids we’re all about:

FUN, FRIENDS, AND JESUS! We long to create a place where kids can come and have fun. Where they are cared for and called by name. Where they can make a friend-whether that be with a leader or with another child, and where they can discover more about Jesus and how deeply loved they are.

we value:

We value safety. Safety for our kids and families, and safety for those who are caring for them. Only scheduled kids team leaders and friends who have been signed in are permitted in our classrooms. Every team member and friend must wear a name tag when in a classroom. Parents and guardians are not permitted in our classroom environments. All team member have been approved through a screening process. This process includes a thorough application, reference and criminal record checks. Team members can be identified by their name tags and pinnies.



  1. A safe environment for your child while you enjoy service.

  2. A fun environment your child will love.

  3. Practical teaching from the Bible every week, presented at your child’s level. Our curriculum can be accessed online here and is updated weekly.






Youth Students and Kids! Our Team is so excited to be hosting our first ever Camp-One Night experience on Friday February 28, 2025 (4:30-8:45PM)! Think of it like a Summer Camp sample– A perfect opportunity to invite your friends to see what camp is all about!  Or maybe you’ve never attended camp before and are curious to learn more. All are welcome. 

We’ll gather for dinner, games, and chapel time with worship and a message. We can’t wait to see YOU and all your friends there. Ticket are $10 and you can find them here or by clicking the button.



Mark your calendars, and stay tuned: Camp 2025 will take place on July 21-25. Registration opens at the end of February.



Your child's safety is a big deal to us. We think that church should be the safest place, and so we are careful to have procedures and policies in place to protect minors.


To ensure that safety is kept a top priority we have a thorough screening process for all individuals interested in being a part of the team. We do so to guarantee everything we can possibly do to keep our kids and leaders safe is done. 

  • Step 1: Application

All leaders are required to fill out an application for insurance and safety purposes as we are working with and serving children and their families. Before agreeing to and signing off on the application one must read through the “Child and Youth Protection and Safety Procedures” document.

  • Step 2: Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks.

Because children's ministry leaders are classified as a volunteer, the City will waive all fees associated with these checks.

  • Step 3: Reference Checks

  • Step 4: Personal Interview

  • Step 5: Training

Training will be done specific to the role leaders will play in the environment they will serve in. Safety, policies /procedures, and culture specific training will also be done.

  • Step 6: Dream Team Honour Code

  • Step 7: Scheduling upon completion and approval.


To comply with insurance requirements and to provide adequate supervision for children, one of the following must be in place:

a) A minimum of two unrelated personnel supervising children at all times, or:
b) One personnel with windows having clear lines of visibility or an open door with hall monitors
c) Leaders are never alone with a child and always in view of others
d) Formal and informal visits to classrooms and programs are made by supervisors at any time.

When meeting off-site leaders must always:

  • Meet in public

  • Avoid travelling alone with a student, always in groups

  • For the protection of all vulnerable individuals, supervision of personnel will be intentional and will take place through formal and informal visits to classrooms and programs


Attendance to be taken during every class

a)Record names of all children, adults and youth
b)Maintain files permanently

Occasional Visitors

a)Identify them
b)Coach them

  • If visitors are not screened, they will not be placed in a position of trust with children who are not their own.

  • Occasional observers who join a class or program will have their attendance recorded and kept on file with the classroom attendance for that day.

  • Visitors will be clearly identified and if they have not been screened and approved, they will not be placed in a position of trust with children who are not their own. We may welcome parents and occasional visitors to sit in the classroom on occasion.

Record Keeping/PIPEDA
•Registration forms are available at every event. 
•Registration and/or consent forms are scanned and kept digitally
•Visiting children should have permission/release form.

  • Parents bringing visiting children are considered the guardian for the event and a registration form would be sent home with the child.

•We secure parental permission for all high-risk activities. No one else should sign on their behalf.
•There is no statute of limitations on child abuse. Therefore, we keep records permanently.


a. Monitor children under 10 with sign-in and sign-out, including location of parent
b. Do not leave children unattended
c. Family members should not enter into the classroom when picking up a child
d. Babies to Age 6 are to be picked up by a parent – not an older sibling
e. Ensure older children are confident in leaving without a guardian
f. Children are not to be dropped off without personnel present

Washroom Guidelines for Children

•No personnel alone with children in washroom
•Keep outside/hallway door propped open
•If assistance is needed:
-Two personnel will escort children, or one personnel with hall monitor

Washroom Guidelines for Nursery
•If possible, it is strongly encouraged that the parent changes diapers
•Only change diaper if parent has granted permission
•Diaper changing done only by designated adult personnel in view of other personnel.

Proper Display of Affection
Appropriate Touch: Recognizing that children need attention that reflects pure, genuine and positive displays of love, touch with children will be age and developmentally appropriate. We encourage personnel and leaders to:
•Hold a preschool child who is crying
•Speak to a child at eye level - listen with your eyes as well as your ears
•Hold a child’s hands when speaking, listening or walking to an activity
•Put an arm around the shoulder of child when comforting or quieting
•Pat a child on the head, hand, shoulder or back to affirm them
•Gently hold a child’s shoulder or hand to redirect behaviour
•All touch must be done in view of others

Inappropriate Touch
We do not:
•Kiss or coax someone to kiss you
•Engage in extended hugging and tickling
•Hold someone’s face when talking to or disciplining
•Touch a child in any area that would be covered by a bathing suit
•Carry older children and do not allow them to sit on your lap
•Engage in prolonged physical contact with any child or youth. 
•Corporal punishment

Technology Guidelines
•We do not allow children to use our electronic devices
•Place computers in open, visible areas; use computer/internet filters
•Ensure accountability by user password system
•Communication outside of scheduled programs should only be done with parent and program leader’s knowledge and written approval
•No private messaging on social media
•No texting
•Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) should only be used for communication of information.