21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Twelve

At the start of these 21 days set aside for prayer and fasting, I had good intentions in my head. I was looking forward to meeting intimately with God and in my heart I felt convinced that He was enough.  

Over the years I have found God to be the faithful constant in my life as I face losses and impossible situations. There have been lots of opportunities to grow my trust as He leads me through the valleys with shadows and up steep mountain pathways. In fact, in my early 30’s, after a particularly difficult loss, I had such peace in my heart that I was excited to experience this new level of trust I had for God. Needless to say, I have since had many opportunities to test that level of trust. As a result, I have come to find out that trust has layers to it and I always have a choice, no matter how big or small the issue is. I can choose to trust in my faithful God, or sit in a place of anxiousness and fear. Of course on the outside everything appears to be fine for the most part, but the inner turmoil when facing difficult situations can be a struggle. 

And so began my thoughts in these 21 days, willing myself to trust in the God I have found to be faithful my entire life, as I am faced with an impossible situation, once again. But what happens when one’s reality doesn’t seem to line up with what they believe to be God’s goodness and faithfulness? When you know God does the impossible but perhaps this one might be too big for him? I mean, I know where I go when I focus on the natural, logical part of the problem instead of choosing to trust in God’s supernatural intervention. Internally I get tense and scared, and I quickly spiral downward into a state of fear and defensiveness. And then, added to that, I feel frustrated with myself because I am not trusting God as I want to be. 

So this is where I found myself. The struggle was real and I was giving in to the feelings of fear and rationalizing how appropriate these fears are given the situation. I had been bringing this to God regularly but still found it a struggle. Then in the middle of my fear I cried out to God once again, desperately seeking his peace and comfort, and Jesus met me in this place of surrender.

John 14:27 is hanging on my wall in my home,

“I leave this gift of peace with you-my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts-instead be courageous.” (TPT)

My circumstances haven’t changed but I heard his gentle voice, I was reminded of his goodness, I surrendered my fear and anxiousness to him in exchange for his peace, I declared his promises out loud, I worshipped him. I also noticed his gentle touch on my life reminding me that he sees and he is taking care of me. I know he is faithful - I have seen his faithfulness over and over. I choose to trust and believe that He will continue to be faithful.  It might not look like I want it to look (John 14:27 - not the fragile peace given by the world) but it doesn’t change the fact that he is faithful and I can trust him.  Jesus, help my feelings to line up with what I know to be true of you, because you are enough and I choose to trust in your unfailing love and provision for everything I need in life!! 

I recently came across a quote from Dr. Lee Warren, a surgeon and man of God who has not only walked many of his patients and their families through difficult health crises, but has also faced the death of his own son.  In speaking of faith he says it “requires bending the light of our current circumstances in such a way that we see God’s presence in the moment, despite the outcome.[..] Faith is the prism we need to see hope when all seems lost, to survive the furnace of suffering, to grow despite the pain.[..] Faith doesn’t keep us from having problems. It just gives a clearer view of how God is responding to them.”

God’s word tells me that this place of surrender and trust and faith in challenging times is an “invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that I can” (James 1:2).

Funny, my word for 2019 was JOY.  And Jesus is giving me more opportunity than ever to experience his JOY in choosing to trust him.  My word for 2020 is “opportunity”. One of the definitions of opportunity is “a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something”.  In 2020, I have, we all have, the opportunity to do this: to declare that Jesus is enough by choosing to trust Him with all the good things and all the hard things and walk in surrendered peace, proclaiming his promises. Faith over fear, it’s a choice we have each day and sometimes moment by moment. I choose faith today and I want to choose it again tomorrow. Thank you God that you are faithful and I can trust you!

James 1:2-4

My fellow believers, when it seems as though you are facing nothing but difficulties, see it as an invaluable opportunity to experience the greatest joy that you can!  For you know that when your faith is tested it stirs up power within you to endure all things.  And then as your endurance grows even stronger, it will release perfection into every part of your being until there is nothing missing and nothing lacking.

Kim Broad

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Freedom

1 Corinthians 10:13-14

Pray for breakthrough from addiction, and that many would find freedom and support. Pray God would create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit. Pray that the strength of the Spirit would enable many to replace old habits and mindsets. Pray for renewed hope, restoration and redemption. Pray for freedom for those dealing with anxiety and depression. Pray that those who are overwhelmed would call on the name of God, cast their cares on Him, and know His faithfulness. Pray for wisdom, and that God would sustain the weary.