21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Seventeen

I was in the hospital last night, visiting and praying with someone who used to be my enemy. Years ago, when we were going through a divorce, in a time when it was the worst of it, God asked me to start praying for him. He gave me this special scripture over his life to pray every day. Me. Of all people - one who was still in the midst of all of the stuff with him. I had nothing to give in that situation, only hurt and anger.

It didn’t happen right away but God started giving me compassion for him. Praying allowed God to give me a glimpse of how He saw him. He showed me how to pray for him. He gave me the words and the strength to pray with heart, even when the circumstance was so painful. Looking back now I know that was God because only He could sustain such an impossible thing. 

Last night I had the privilege of sharing with him how much God loves him. That there is a promise over his life, that he is precious.

Being in that emergency room, with such peace surrounding us, laughing and experiencing joy in the midst of it - I learned that sometimes the places where we experience the most pain is where the greatest treasure is. Yesterday was the day I got to tell him the Word God had for his life, to speak into promises and see the joy between us that only God could have cultivated. And I ask you dear friends, if God leads you to, please pray for him! 

“I will give you the treasures out of darkness and the riches hidden in secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who call you by your name.” -Isaiah 45:3

Cherry Sheena

Freedom Sessions & Data Admin



Pray for: The Lost

Romans 8:15

Pray for an increased boldness to bring the love of Jesus to the lost. Pray that many would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus in this season and find salvation. Pray specifically for those in your circle who are far from God.