21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Three

Did you know that we were made to delight in the world around us? Our culture, one of busy to-do lists and high anxiety, has tricked us into believing the lie that we must earn delight. When we’ve crossed that thing off of the list, or cleaned that room, or worked enough overtime, then we can rest and enjoy. What ends up happening when we live like this, though, is that we become too exhausted and, by extension, too distracted to embrace the delight that surrounds us.

I know I’m not the only one who has found themselves in this place. You know the one - where life is so full that we’re playing catch-up any free moment we can. We’re checking Instagram in the Starbucks line-up, or responding to e-mails and texts as we rush from our car to our house. But here’s the thing: God’s delight is rarely found in the hurried, distracted place.

How can we experience delight when we are distracted? I’m hard pressed to think of a time where I was busy, rushed, and distracted where I also felt the pure ease of delight. Distraction and delight do not go hand in hand. In fact, they oppose each other. The more distracted we are, the less opportunity we have to experience delight. Therefore, we must remove distraction so we can focus on the One who is already delighting over us. That’s what this season of prayer and fasting is about, right? Removing what is less, so we can have more of that which truly matters.

As you go about this day, look up from your phone. See the people waiting in line with you at Starbucks and remember that they, too, are made in the image of God. See the rain fall (or, hopefully, the sun shine) and examine the way God has orchestrated this world to work in harmony. See the mountains stand tall over the valley, and be reminded of God’s majesty. When we stop, we are able to see the opportunities there are for delight. They are everywhere, all around us, for our God has not made us to experience delight when we earn it. He has given us little joy gifts to experience throughout each day. All we need to do is look for them.

Alexandra Fuller

Communications Director


DAY 3 - JANUARY 8   

Pray for: Our nation

Psalm 133:1

Pray for Canada. Pray for our leadership and government, for the Church across Canada, and for God’s unity and blessing to be evident. Pray for ARC Canada and Mercy Canada as they represent our national missions. Pray for healing in our land.