21 Days of Prayer and Fasting :: Day Five

Giving up numbness -
to experience living water.

Numbing is my tactic of choice.
It’s the easy choice.

Whether it’s drawing my rest in drinks with friends at the end of a long week, mindlessly scrolling Instagram, or having my Netflix queue on a permanent replay throughout the day so I don't have to contend with my inner monologue…

It changes day to day, but the results are the same. 

When you feel exhausted, tired, not only with the outside noise but sometimes more so your internal noise - our natural instinct is to seek rest in some form. Often it’s what the world tells us will do the trick.

The way of Jesus is to connect with God. Jesus also calls us to himself. He offers living water. A source that forever quenches and never runs dry.

I have always had a hard time with the spiritual disciplines. I have grown up hearing that there is a checklist you must constantly be working to get through. So that you may constantly be aware of your depravity. The point of it all is that you feel weak because you are and no matter what you do, you won't be good enough. It’s been DOING these things, earning a legalistic lash for each one, so that you may bear the scars of proof to hopefully hold onto your salvation.

It was never following the ways of Jesus so that you draw your strength from him. 

Finding true rest so that you gain what you truly need to keep going.

Drinking from the fount of living water.

Feeling hungry through fasting food, depriving ourself of those fleshly things that give us "rest". "Starving the flesh.”

It leaves us in a weaker state, a state of needing him even more. If we choose in that state of weakness to turn to him, spend time with him, be empty cups for the holy spirit to fill... through it we gain the greatest strength. His grace is sufficient for us. Hallelujah for that! So why do we need this?? 

It comes down to relationship. 

That "rest" I truly crave, God already modelled for us, in the creation story, and as Jesus did in his life. It is sabbath. It's time with him.

Instead I take the easy route, that is often at my finger tips, to numb the noise instead of divinely silence it. Jesus lived as he did, fasting, praying, getting away to the quiet place to connect with his father, to draw his strength to continue his ministry, and in the end, fulfill the prophecies and call us all unto him by making the ultimate sacrifice. So that we can spend eternity with him.

Do you see it there again?


These things aren't just for God, indeed he is glorified, he always sits on his throne. It's also a gift to us. One that if we take and make it a part of our lives, not just a fun thing to use as content for social media, or as a legalistic check mark, but truly make it a lifestyle of communing with him… we will find strength to keep going. Keeping in tune with our creator, our life source, our wellspring. So that we may continue the great commission on our lives, while living freely and lightly.

My favourite version of Matthew 11:28-30 is from the Message paraphrase by Eugene H. Peterson, one that has been brought to me over and over again as I have searched for Gods heart on all this. I hope it speaks to you as deeply as it has to me.

 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Olivia Driediger

Relate Valley Dream Team



Pray for: Healing

1 Peter 2:24

Pray for an increase in healing in our House, that we would see the miraculous power of God bring miracles, signs and wonders. Pray for healing - body and soul - for each member of our church family.