Psalm 145 has been one of my favourite verses for a long time as it demonstrates the power and strength of relationships. It's how we set up the future generations for a win. I am eternally grateful for the spiritual inheritance that was given to me through the godly example of my parents and grandparents as they played the key role in teaching me to have a living and vital faith.

1 I will lift my praise above everything to You, my God and King!
    I will continually bless Your name forever and always.

2 My praise will never cease—
    I will praise You every day;
    I will lift up Your name forever.

3 The Eternal is great and deserves endless praise;
    His greatness knows no limit, recognizes no boundary.
    No one can measure or comprehend His magnificence.

4 One generation after another will celebrate Your great works;
    they will pass on the story of Your powerful acts to their children.

Psalm 145:1-4 (Voice)

Other spiritual mothers and fathers in faith have led the way for me as well. One of them was Dr. Lester Sumrall. I will never forget the last sermon I heard him preach at our church before he went to Heaven in 1996. In the most fatherly manner, he spoke with tears in his eyes of a grave concern he had about passing on a ‘spiritual sword’ to the generations to come. He said, ‘In the arena of science & technology, and every other area of knowledge and learning, knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation, only in the area of passing the spiritual sword or baton, have we failed. It seems every generation must begin again. This is not right! Success without a successor is a failure.’

His words have never left me – they have left a deep imprint on my heart and mind.

We are to live our faith boldly and leave a legacy and a lineage of faith. I can’t help but think of how my actions today will impact the generations to come. How would I live and do things differently if I was keenly aware of the lasting impact of my choices? As a grandmother, I now know that when I was raising my three daughters I was effectually raising my grandchildren as well.

This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.’ Deut. 30:19

You may not have come from a very healthy home environment and perhaps feel disadvantaged in your ability to pass on a strong and Godly legacy to others. I believe that this is one of the most important aspects of being planted in a thriving church community. God knew everyone needed family – it is a place where we are set up to learn, to grow and to wrestle through our challenges together so that we set up to lead a Godly and successful life.  This requires planting your heart and life in the healthy soil of God’s family and investing with faith and commitment, trusting in God’s love and grace because He is a good, good Father. While here on earth you will never find a perfect family, but we can take great joy in knowing our Father is the One who is perfect. 

“Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.’ Ps 92:13-14 NKJV

Helen BurnsSenior Pastor

Helen Burns

Senior Pastor



“May God, who gives this patience and encouragement, help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus.  Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory.” - Romans 15: 5-7

For many of us, family is where we first learn the value and necessity of living in harmony. Yet, it is so often hard to do.  Family life and church life alike can come with conflict and discomfort.  It is only when we choose to have patience with one another’s faults and encourage one another, that we foster harmony.  Living in harmony only happens intentionally.

I remember sharing a room with my sister until we were 16 and 17.  We love each other now, and we loved each other sharing that small room, but oh how different we were.  I hoarded paper, cardboard and trinkets for crafts which I stuffed into bags and hung on my desk chair, bed post, door knob, wherever I could. My sister on the other hand, organized her shelves and dresser with a tidy display of her favourite things.  Needless to say, it wasn’t easy for her to live with the messy hoarder that I once was.  That is just to illustrate one of our many differences.  Fights ensued, and for a lot of our pre-teen and teenage years, we said more awful than kind things to each other. 

It took us until adulthood to learn to celebrate each other’s lives.  The annoying stuff hasn’t gone away (like my tendency to take forever to respond to her text messages and e-mails).  We are still so different but now, we speak positively towards each other.  Now, we have room to know each other and an opportunity to encourage one another through life. Life is better with my sister.

So why does harmony matter? 

As a church family, we follow Jesus, and reflect Him in what we do.  We don’t choose the family we are born into any more than we choose who may walk into church with us. When operate in harmony with whoever it may be, we reflect Jesus well. What better way to love people than to share the same graceful love that Jesus gave to us.

Alison BolanosAlison works on staff at Relate Church and is a vital part of the church community along side her husband Rember.

Alison Bolanos

Alison works on staff at Relate Church and is a vital part of the church community along side her husband Rember.



2017 is here and I’m expecting great things.

My One Word for this year is FAMILY.

We live in an exciting, fast-changing, rollercoaster-like culture.  People are searching for security, identity, personal worth and value.  Due to social media, the internet and globalization we appear to be more connected than ever and yet we feel more disconnected than ever. Family is the answer.

Proverbs 13:22 has long been one of my favourite scriptures, “A good man leaves and inheritance to his children’s children.”  It speaks of the connection between children and grandparents.  I love this scripture because I loved my granddad.  He was a good man and he believed in me.  I always felt like he saw something great in me.

When I look at what I’m doing today and realize that I did not get here on my own, I think of this scripture. I think of FAMILY. I’m so thankful for those that invested in my life and I’m loving the opportunity to give back.  This is true not only of our biological families but of God’s Family – the Church.

Everyone Needs Family. I believe that Church is the answer.  Ephesians 2:19 in the Voice says, “And so you are no longer called outcasts and wanderers but citizens with God’s people, members of God’s holy family, and residents of His household.”

When we are born again, we are born supernaturally into God’s very own family and He places us in His household called Church.  Its there where we find identity, security, nurturing, purpose, opportunity… where we find our people, our tribe… where we realize our life’s bigger than us, we are part of something bigger together… where we find HOME. That’s why our welcome at Relate Church  is always ‘Welcome Home.’

Our lives are bigger than we think. None of us got to where we are alone and everything we are and do, we pass on generationally.  If we could see the unending ripples of influence our lives create we would count what we do and how we do it with greater value.

One of the reasons I love Proverbs 13:22 so much is the big picture of purpose it supplied to my life. It caused me to evaluate my life from the perspective of generations not just the moment, the year or the season.  It supplied the hope to ‘get back up again’ – because its not about me, its about the generations.  I like that God states, “A GOOD man leaves an inheritance”, not a ‘perfect’ man or even a ‘great’ man.  I believe with God’s help I can live a good life that can be a blessing for generations. 

I believe through family we all can be a blessing for generations.

John BurnsSenior Pastor

John Burns
Senior Pastor



Naturally, I like to do my own thing.

I’m often tempted to go against the grain because at times I have a desire for rebellion. For someone who wants to do the opposite of what their told, the following verse is challenging to say the least: 

Proverbs 15:3-4 says “if you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding.” 

As a joke, when people ask me to do something, I obnoxiously tell them “you can’t tell me what to do!” and proceed to stick my tongue out like a 5-year-old child (although I’ve met many five-year-olds better behaved than I). But when their face reads unimpressed, I slink away and do exactly what they’ve asked. As I turn and walk I away, embarrassment takes over and I think “how dare you silently disapprove of my behavior because, like, it was a joke, ok?”

And there it is. The little piece of rebellion that speaks to me and justifies my wrong actions. The itty bitty piece that refuses to concede defeat. That prideful, ego-tripping piece that licks its wounds in statements heard either under the breath or in vengeful rants to a sympathetic, but enabling third-party. 

The kind of rebellion I’m speaking about isn’t necessarily wild and tragic. I’m not some runaway adolescent tired of the oppression of my footloose no dancing nonsense town. I’m simply a Christian who must always remember that my goal is to be more like Jesus.

Jesus called us to be child-like in our faith, to be in awe of our creator. Not to be childish and obstinate, believing ourselves to be entitled and justified in the kind of actions that do not reflect God. 

Perfection cannot be found here on earth, much less in people. However, when we open ourselves to listen and obey, God moulds and changes us in a way that others will see. When we are obedient in our actions and our words, it does not go unnoticed. It is in that discipline that we can best reach those around us. We are a living, breathing message of the goodness of God. 

The song “Like Incense” has a line that always catches me off guard. It says “please still my anxious urge toward rebellion”. It sticks out to me because it relates to the nature of my human spirit.

So here’s what I’m learning, my friends. God is always guiding our steps. When you listen to Him, you’ll know if your behavior is less than worthy of the person He has called you to be. Do not be discouraged by the call of discipline, but be glad that you are now growing in wisdom and understanding. Watch your words, watch your actions. Approach everyone with love and grace. Do not be clouded by your pride and anger.  Our goal is to be more like Jesus.

And if anything, just don’t stick out your tongue and tell God that he can’t tell you what to do. Just listen.    

Eliza Biason

Eliza Biason



I prefer music with a good, solid beat. Give me a little old school hip hop and I'll quickly be bopping my head like the awkward 40-something white mom that I am. I can't help it. My kids are wise to me and know that they can change my mood for the better easily by playing some Tupac in the car. 

There are other types of music that make me itchy. Jazz, for instance. I can definitely appreciate it and the genius that goes into creating it, but its wildness stresses me out. I can't think properly while listening to it. Apparently I lean toward predictability in my music choices... My brain wants to know what beat comes next. 

I honestly prefer predictability in every area of life. Safe. Secure. Simple. I enjoy comfort like most of us do. And yet life with the Spirit is anything but safe or comfortable... This path I'm on is not the one I expected. And I'm on a journey of embracing it with both arms. 

I would make small, timid decisions if it weren't for the strength God offers. I'd avoid situations and people I can't control. My life would be bite-sized if it were up to me alone. Scripture makes it pretty clear that we are called to more. The Spirit invites us to wade away from steady and calm and to surrender. The good life isn't predictable, but the unforced rhythms of grace are better than safety. We weren't made for comfort but for transformation. 

Take care of yourself. Check your soul, guard your heart and slow down when you need to. Say no when it's the right answer. But let's not make comfort or predictability the goal. We have a chance to grow in the waiting - the "spread a little thin" - the unpolished - the painful - the uncomfortable seasons. 

When we can't see what's ahead, waiting for the beat to drop, we can remind ourselves that God definitely knows what's next. He's the composer orchestrating the future. He isn't predictable but He's really good, kind, and trustworthy. He's better than safe. 

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.

Proverbs 3:5

Angela DoellExecutive Pastor

Angela Doell

Executive Pastor



Church. My favourite place. 

It's not a building but rather the people you get to do life with that makes church so impactful. 

I grew up in church, and to be honest there was rarely a weekend where I didn't want to go. I got to see my church friends, and church family. Growing up, church was the place where I knew I was safe. Where I had people I could talk to when struggles were real and a place where I could learn how to put my gifts into practice. 

I still have the same feeling when I go to church today. The best part about church is the people I get to do it with. 

“Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.” Psalms 92:13 NKJV

I met my husband in church, and we are now growing our little family planted in church. The term church rat can be used to describe our little girl, and I LOVE it! She has an amazing group of young people that love her, watch her, protect her, and teach her about Jesus. My husband and I serve in many capacities in church and we couldn't do that without that community around us. 

My husband shared a short message a few months ago at church and he said something that has stuck with me to this day. He said, "if you're not serving on a team, I'm having more fun that you." (You can watch the service here if you're interested). Serving on team has always been what I have done, but in the last couple years it's become something I LOVE doing! 

I fully believe if you plant yourself in the house of God and serve with all you have, your life will be richly blessed. I believe that you'll be blessed with MORE of everything! As you give of your time with God, you'll find you have MORE time. As you give of your finances, God blesses you with MORE. 

To say I'm protective of my church and the time I get to spend there would be an understatement. I love the people I get to do life with and the lessons I am learning from them. I am so thankful for the friendships and family relationships that come with belonging somewhere. 

Taelor Elverum is a big part of church life at Relate. She volunteers on the Worship Team as well as various other areas. Her husband Alex and two beautiful children are also a big part of church life at Relate.

Taelor Elverum is a big part of church life at Relate. She volunteers on the Worship Team as well as various other areas. Her husband Alex and two beautiful children are also a big part of church life at Relate.



Well, we are six months into the completion phase of our expansion project here at Relate Church and I am reminded daily and am so thankful for the church family that is “all in” for the journey. My favourite words to hear on the weekends are, “It is going so fast!” This is so enjoyable to me as the excitement builds throughout the congregation.

I remember that same excitement as a little boy when the church I was a part of was going through an expansion project. Even as a child I loved the anticipation of getting to church and seeing the changes every week. It was an amazing adventure for a kid with big eyes and a heart full of dreams. Now fast forward to today and the adventure continues. I haven’t heard one person say “Are we there yet?” It has only been an enjoyable experience. 

The first six months have mostly been spent on the core of the structure and foundation. With the steel rising out of the ground in these last few weeks, we are starting to see the structure go vertical. Just as in building a strong marriage, family, business or whatever endeavour you head into, the time needs to be spent on that strong foundation. Without it, your investment is almost guaranteed to wither away and not last. Like Jesus says in Luke 6:46-49 “…These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.”

Over the next few months, the structure will be closing up with the finishing work being focused on the inside. This leads me to a question I present to you, “What are you looking forward to most in the new space?”

Whatever you are expecting or dreaming of, always know that you and the ones you do life with are always welcome at Relate Church.


Rod DoellProduction Director 

Rod Doell

Production Director 



I love the word home. I think it is one of the warmest, heartfelt words in our language. The love of this word is partly due to being raised in a great (big and loud) home but more so because I've discovered "Home" in church.

The first time I entered a church with that atmosphere, I was overcome with a sense of home.  As I sat there with tears running down my cheeks, I knew this is what I had been searching for. When we subsequently planted Relate Church some thirty plus years ago, my goal was to help multitudes of others have the same discovery of finding a place to call home.

King David wrote, "One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life' (Ps 27:4) and in Ps 84:10 he wrote, "For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness."

I totally relate with David. Church is that supernatural "Home" where, as Pastor Bobbie Houston wrote, "Heaven's in the House."


Here are a few thoughts about Home: 


1. Home is family; the two are inseparable. Where the family gathers, there you will find home. Church is where those that have been born into the family of God, gather in His Name. As Jesus said, "where two or three are gathered in His Name, there He will be" (Matt 18:30). We need each other and we need His Presence.

2. Home is where we belong. We all long to be where we belong, it’s one of our strongest basic human needs. I grew up in a large family where it seemed every year, my mom came home from the hospital with a new member of our family. Each new child was now home, not because of what they achieved but because of who they were. Belonging is the right of birth, not behaviour.

3. Home is where we are accepted just as we are; scrapes, bruises, bloodied knees and 'bed head'. We are known and yet loved and accepted just the way we are.  God's unconditional love reaches out to us and accepts us just the way we are. 

4. Home is where we discover who and why we are.  Our identity comes from our parents not our performance. I love Pastors Caleb and Jewlie Davidson's story of when asking their toddler, Judah, "Who loves you?”. He responded saying, "Daddy loves me”.  She then asks, "Why does daddy love you?" and he replied, "Because I'm me". 

Once we are safe in 'who' we are, only then can we discover 'why' we are. Home is where we risk spreading our wings and following our dreams - our safety net is family.  If we fall, we just get back up and try again.

Psalms 92:13 says, "Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God." In a sense, we are all miracles in seed form and home is the soil we need to be planted in.  As our life grows and flourishes, we continually discover more of our gifts, callings and creativity.

5. Home is healing. It’s where forgiveness reigns, where we get refreshed, restored and refuelled.  When we enter this place of unconditional love, acceptance and belonging our heart can exhale in safety. When we leave home we should feel stronger and healthier. This is the goal of Relate Church. When we gather together in His name, we should feel refreshed and ready to face the world outside. 

6. Home is where your heart is. I love my biological and spiritual home, but it requires a choice to guarantee that my heart will continually be homeward bound.  Jesus said in Matthew 6:21 "For where your treasure is, there you heart will be also."  I choose to continually invest my time, treasure and talent into building the home that I love so that my heart and the hearts of generations to come will always love the miracle of 'home'.

7. Home is waiting for you. When our gang comes home for family night, the table's set, the food is ready and our hearts are anticipating their arrival. They can expect to be celebrated as they enter. That's how church is every time we gather, our prayer is that everything we've done says to you, "Welcome Home!"

Pastor John BurnsSenior Pastor

Pastor John Burns

Senior Pastor



I’ll be the first to admit that my experience with Church hasn’t always been glorious. There have been some painful memories, such as the time my Dad left the church I grew up in because of hurtful circumstances. Or the time John and I decided to get married, but neither of our churches were willing to perform the ceremony because we were from different ‘religious’ backgrounds. Even since planting Relate Church, there have been some trying times when all I wanted to do was run and live on a deserted island for a day or two, but I’m forever grateful that I stayed. I’m grateful that I grew and invested because now my life is immensely rich and blessed because of it.

Church is like family to me. Although we occasionally walk through hard times, it is a place to belong, to be nurtured and to grow in all that God has called and designed us to be. On this side of eternity, our lives will never be perfect because humanity is complicated and messy. But even in the midst of this, there is growth. There is still love and there is a place that’s uniquely designed for you.

I am who I am today because I planted my life, my whole heart and being in the beautiful House of God. I love how the Psalms speak of being planted in God’s family and in His House.

“The righteous will flourish like the date palm - long-lived, upright and useful; they will grow like a cedar in Lebanon -majestic and stable. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. Growing in grace they will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper in old age; they will flourish and be vital and fresh -rich in trust and love and contentment…they are living memorials to declare that the Lord is upright and faithful to His promises; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” (Psalms 92:12-15 Amplified)

There is no other place on earth that has the capacity to create this rich and bountiful life. Church, family, and the gathering of God’s household is truly the hope of this fragmented and hurting world.

Everyone has the capacity to thrive in any atmosphere where they are loved and accepted. True confidence and strength grows when people know they belong. It grows when they have the opportunity to plant their feet in a place where Heaven’s culture is displayed on earth. Where prayers are prayed and answered. Where the lost encounter a Saviour and find home. Where friendships are forged, grow and flourish. 

Who do you know that needs to find home, a place of belonging and planting? Aren’t you so glad that someone invited you? Who can you reach out to today and help them find home -  sweet, ‘imperfect-yet-magnificent’ HOME

Helen BurnsSenior Pastor

Helen Burns
Senior Pastor



People often think that doing something for a long amount of time is significant - like having the same occupation, going to the same church, being married or even being a Christian. Let me just say that this isn’t always the case.

Jesus told a story that is recorded in Matthew 25:14-30 about a man who was going away and left three of his servants in charge of all he owned and then gave each of them a sum of money based on what he thought they were capable of handling. The two servants that were given the largest amounts took that money and doubled it. The one servant that was given the least amount of money dug a hole and hid it in the ground. When the man returned from his trip he asked each of the servants what they had done with the money given to them.  When the servants who had doubled the money told him what they’d done the man called them “faithful” and then gave them more responsibility. When the servant who buried the money told the master he was retuning it all back to him the master called him “lazy’ and took away what he had.

What I find interesting in this story is that the servant who was called “lazy” did not lose a cent of the master’s money and yet he was not called faithful. The conclusion I come to in reading this is that maintaining or doing something for a long period of time does not qualify as faithful and is not pleasing to God.

So what does God expect of us? He expects us to increase whatever he has placed into our hands. Not to just maintain our occupation, giftings, talents, service to others, marriage, relationships with others or with Him. He expects us to grow whatever is in our hand, whatever is given to us, to become more proficient, skilled, competent and more loving. Showing up is a big part of life, but don’t let it end there.

MARVIN MCGEEMarv serves as Executive Operations Pastor, bringing oversight to our staff and helping to align our operations with the vision of our senior pastors. His leadership ensures we're all working towards healthy, long term growth. 


Marv serves as Executive Operations Pastor, bringing oversight to our staff and helping to align our operations with the vision of our senior pastors. His leadership ensures we're all working towards healthy, long term growth. 



In the natural, after we’ve had something to eat we become full and, in my case, very happy. It’s a simple process and one that always blesses my heart. But when dealing with spiritual hunger, I’ve discovered things to be quite a bit different. You see, the more God pours into our lives (of His love, His grace, His Spirit) the more our hunger for Him increases -- It’s this place of fullness, yet still desiring for more -- and I believe that God wants to increase our hunger for Him and pour out even greater measures of Himself in and through our lives.

My hunger began to grow from a place of brokenness. Something that I had been praying for for a number of years had completely fallen apart and I didn’t know what to do. I began to cry out for God, and as I did, this simple prayer began to well up within me: “Lord, give me a greater hunger for You.” All I knew was that there was more of Him and that I had to have it. But within that process I found out that there’s always more of God and that our hunger for Him only burns brighter as He continually pours of Himself into our lives.

God has so much more for us to discover (gifts that He’s placed within us, promises in His word that we’ve yet to lay claim to, a deeper understanding of who we are and Who’s we are as His sons and daughters) and I believe He’s calling us to pursue Him for nothing less than everything that He came and died for us to have. God wants to bring you to a place of increase -- of having an increased measure of His presence resting upon your life, for ears to hear His voice over every situation, for His word to begin to burn within you, creating a greater hope and expectation for His goodness, and that most of all, to create a greater hunger and passion for the endless pursuit of His heart.

From this place of increase is where our lives begin to overflow. What I mean by that is that everything God has poured in begins to pour out, and without even realizing it, what we carry on the inside begins to transform the circumstances that surround us. People need healing, hearts need to be restored back to the Father, lives need to be changed through an encounter with Him, and through our lives, God can begin to work miracles. In Matthew 10:8 Jesus tells us to, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely you have received, freely give…”. God’s heart is to see people set free and He wants to move through our lives so that “on earth as it is in heaven” can become a reality.

So would you pray this simple prayer with me?

Lord, we pray for a greater hunger for You. Give us a greater desire to seek after all that You are. I pray for increase. For an increased measure of Your Holy Spirit and for an increased measure of Your grace, so that we can be and do all that You’ve called us to be and do. We love You, Lord. Amen.


Ryan is a leader, drummer and worshipper who serves with our Music Team.







Life can be such a crazy journey of ups and downs and everything in between. I've come to realize that right when you feel like you've overcome in an area and you're starting to feel pretty good about the work you've done and the progress you've made... then BAM! You find yourself hit with a circumstance similar to the one you just got through. Like come on, didn't we just deal with this? Can't it be a one and done type of thing? OK, check 'insecurity' off the list, dealt with it now I'm good to go.

But sadly that's not life. We have to continually purpose to overcome. It doesn't just happen, we have to put the work in.

Something that sparked in my mind as I was annoyed with facing this type of repeated situation, was that I need to change the way I view it. Rather than thinking of it as 'Oh man, here we go again' and beating myself up, I can look at it as an opportunity. An opportunity to grow, an opportunity to remind myself that I've come through this before and can do it again, an opportunity to experience God in all his grace and goodness. God, who doesn't see us fighting through the same battle and get annoyed with us, but who actually meets us there AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN. He didn't say that He would help you through once and that's it. He has promised that He is closer than a brother, that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us.

If you are fighting a battle today that you are discouraged about because you felt like you already had this thing beat but it seems to be taking you out again (or threatening to), let me encourage you to change your perspective. Don't think about it from a place of feeling defeated and asking "Why am I dealing with this again?" Instead look at it for what it is, an opportunity to realize how far you have come, acknowledge the progress you have made, and then get to work so that it doesn't pack the same punch that it would have before. God doesn't roll his eyes and say "Oh man, here we go again" when we come to Him, even if it's a million times. He always embraces us with love, grace and mercy and says, "Take my hand, let's do this together."

TAMMIE GAUERTammie leads on our Relate Women team and serves with our Prayer MInistry and Community Care. She and her husband Adam have three beautiful children. 


Tammie leads on our Relate Women team and serves with our Prayer MInistry and Community Care. She and her husband Adam have three beautiful children. 



Growing up, money was very tight in our house. Extremely tight.

I remember trips to the food bank. I remember being hungry and not having food in the fridge. I remember generosity from relatives. While kids in school worried about parties and cute boys, I worried about money and food. Would we be able to pay the rent? Would we have to move again? I could tell they did not know the weight I carried. 

Poverty feels heavy. It also made me feel like an outsider in society. 

Eight years ago I was asked to help with hampers for The Christmas Project with Relate Community Care. At the time, I was taking the Faithworks course and our class was commissioned to take on the hamper project. Then I was elected to lead the project. When I saw the list of schools we would be helping, I realized I had attended some of those very schools as a child. As I stared at the list, all the feelings of growing up poor flooded back. 

Isn’t it amazing how God redeems us?

I can relate to these kids. It was rough for me growing up, but some of these kids now have it way harder than I could have ever imagined. My heart breaks for them.

Recently Relate Church was contacted by the Surrey School Board to help put together a Weekend Emergency Food Program. This is for families that do not have any food on the weekends. Some children rely on the food programs that run at school during the week to eat at all. We learned that many of them don’t eat again until school opens up for the breakfast program on Monday morning. 

They don't eat all weekend.

My own kids have not known hunger. They can barely survive two hours before rummage through the pantry, looking for a snack. I can’t even imagine them not eating for two days. How would they even have the capacity to sit and learn in school? 

We delivered our first hampers last week. As people heard about what we were doing, generosity bloomed. We had donations of granola bars and freshly baked goods to add. 

The Principal and Vice-Principal of the school thanked our representatives numerous times and were amazed by the generosity of our church. 

We all get to be a part of this. I know I could not have done this without YOU.  I thank God for planting me here, and giving me this mission field. I am thankful for a church that opened its heart to be broken by people in the margins. We are making a difference. 

This is church. This is sharing Jesus with the world. 

DANIELA SCHWARTZDaniela serves in many creative and hands-on ways with Relate Community Care. She's a businessperson, writer and homeschooling mom. She and her husband Ryan have two awesome boys. 


Daniela serves in many creative and hands-on ways with Relate Community Care. She's a businessperson, writer and homeschooling mom. She and her husband Ryan have two awesome boys. 


What causes me to love Jennifer?  Is it her grace? Her kindness? Her humour? I realize that for much of our life together (47 years), I expected... demanded those things... and much more from her. My selfishness resulted in me being disappointed during much of that time, because I loved kindness and grace... not Jennifer, and my attitudes and actions reflected that. My heart was not turned toward her.

So - How can I model God's grand design for marriage as represented by His love for me (Romans 5:8) and to love Jennifer as in Ephesians 5:25? How can I get there... Is it even realistic? I recently read, "Love is always set on the beloved's welfare... so all of our actions should be motivated for their good. ALL our actions... every one."  Too big? Well, big attitudes can be shaped through little actions. 

When we walk to our local Save On I always carry the groceries home. Jen inevitably tells me "I can carry that" but I just don't want her to have to do something she doesn't really want to do. There are a thousand and one ways I can improve on being a husband, but in this instance, my concern is really focused on Jennifer. How can I best serve her? This is such a small, insignificant example, but small moments become habits and habits can (re)shape my character. I'm beginning to use common life situations by asking, "How can I bless Jen here?" I want to make love a verb in our marriage. Can you think of a way to bless your spouse today? 

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34

Tom and Jennifer will celebrate their 47th wedding anniversary this month. They passionately lead in our Marriage Mentoring Ministry and serve as RGroup Leaders and Prayer Leaders.


(Read Part One of this post here.)

I have learned many valuable life-lessons from my wife, not the least of which is the way she continues to help me understand how to love her.  I would give her most of the credit for these words I’m writing and I’m eternally grateful for the lessons I’ve learned. 

According to Ephesians 5:25 where the Apostle Paul encourages husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave His life for her, wives were meant to be loved and husbands were meant to love. If we are to enjoy the life that God has intended for us, women need a vision of how to be loved and men need a vision of how to love.

In part 1 of this blog, I began with the first three keys to what it looks like when a man loves a woman. Let me continue with the next three:



Helen and I have had a television show for years just answering questions about relationships.  One of the most frequently asked questions would be,”How do you stay in love for a lifetime?”  Our answer is ‘stay amazed.’  God has created her in His image, which means that she has unfathomable treasure… but you must purposefully hunt for it. Every time you discover more treasure, you cant help but be amazed. Decide to be on a treasure hunt for the rest of your lives.

Love does more than just discover the unique and creative treasure in her heart; it becomes her advocate and support.  I believe every woman has treasure in her heart that needs to be voiced. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of watching and promoting my wife as her heart’s treasure and voice has blossomed and ministered to more and more people.


Trust is the backbone of every relationship.  Without it we cannot build.  We can love someone and even desperately desire to build a future together but without trust, it is impossible.

It is vital to understand that trust MUST be earned.  Often the mistake is made of trusting someone because we WANT to build a future and we know that requires trust.  But, if that person is not trustworthy, disappointment and hurt is ahead.

When a man loves a woman he realizes how important it is that she trust him and that he must earn it so he will pace the relationship at the speed that he can earn her trust.  He also understands that trust can take a lifetime to build and a second to shatter, which causes him to protect and guard it with wisdom and diligence.


Friendship is the foundation of all intimate relationships. It is the strength and the reward of life.  Friendship is the ‘want-to’ that glues a relationship together.  Friends choose to spend time together just because they enjoy each other’s company.  C.S. Lewis said, “Joy is the serious business of heaven”.

Often, when a man loves a woman, it starts with hormones, physical attraction and infatuation but true love goes beyond those initiators and discovers the incomparable beauty of friendship.  It is where true intimacy is forged: to understand and to be understood.

(Still more to come on this subject – stay tuned)

John BurnsSenior Pastor

John Burns
Senior Pastor





Working in the business world has shown me that good leaders are vital to being successful. Those individuals that lead with their ability, confidence, encouragement, and strong values often have the most success. However, perhaps more important that any of these qualities is how much that leader believes in what they are doing. One who supports the mission of their work, and encourages others to do the same. This is what gives our actions purpose, and allows us to successfully lead others along the way, be this in our work, relationships, or worship.

Hebrews 12:28 says, “Do you see what we’ve got? An unshakable kingdom! And do you see how thankful we must be? Not only thankful, but brimming with worship, deeply reverent before God.” As a worship leader, I will never realize the true purpose of worship by simply playing my instrument, and not believing in what I am doing. Worship is not merely a song or a prayer, but an expression of gratitude and honour to God, developed deep within our hearts. We were never intended to do something because we have to, but rather because we get to. God paid the biggest price for us, and we must recognize that by honouring him in all that we do, especially in our worship.

As a worship leader, it is easy to become complacent; to wake up Sunday morning and just play the songs because it is our duty as musicians. But the danger in this is that our attitude and intentions are contagious, be it for the good or the bad. Whether it is a manager that goes to work and does the bare minimum, an athlete that loses focus after signing a big contract, or a worship leader that only plays for recognition, the true intention of their work is never realized, and those around them will never properly be led. In these instances, it is clear that the purpose was lost.

Therefore, it is important for us to remember that we do not worship for our own pleasure or fulfillment, but rather to glorify His name because of all that He has done for us. As it says in Psalm 115:1, “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to Your name be the glory, because of Your love and faithfulness.” God is bigger and greater than we will ever understand, so He must remain our purpose for all things.

And for me, this is what keeps me worshipping week after week. Knowing that there is God that loves us deeply, and has sacrificed everything for us to experience His love to its fullest. All of the joy we experience in life is because of Him and His generosity, so let’s never forget that we owe everything to God, and have the privilege to show Him our gratefulness through worship.

CAMERON NICHOLCam is part of our lead worship team and has served on team for five years. 


Cam is part of our lead worship team and has served on team for five years. 




I wrote a little love letter a while ago, a note of appreciation for my my church. I think it's worth sharing again, because it's more true than ever...

No one promised the good life would be easy. 

The promised land, milk & honey sweet, it's for those who seek. Its wide open spaces welcome the traveller, those who journey, the life-invested. 

It's for the brave ones who show up today. And again tomorrow. 

They press on, despite fear. 

They're marked by commitment. 

Faithfulness defines them, loyalty their fragrance. 

A legacy people clothed in borrowed strength, His armour. 

They step aside to accommodate and serve without entitlement. 

They boldly hope, and sing with abandon. 

They're a refuge for the mourning, healing for the weak. 

They embrace, include, exhort. 

They're alert for the Voice, the Heartbeat, the Compass. 

They're steady. They are there. They are us and we

My people are the wild ones who keep turning up, keep trusting and keep serving as though it just might make a difference. Because we've had a taste of the good life. And it's worth showing up for.  

ANGELA DOELLExecutive Pastor


Executive Pastor



James 1:17-21 in the Message translations says:
‘So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of Heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. There is nothing deceitful in God, nothing two-faced, nothing fickle. He brought us to life using the true Word, showing us off as the crown of all His creatures.’

I’m so thankful we serve a God who we can worship.

I remember growing up in the Catholic church and loving the times where we would ‘stand and sing from the Catholic book of worship.’ The lyrics I still remember to this day…. ‘and He will raise you up on Eagle’s wings, bear you on the breath of dawn…’ and ‘sing to the mountains, sing to the sea, raise your voices lift your hearts, this is the day the Lord has made - let all the earth rejoice!’. I loved the ‘worship time’ back then, and I love it even more now.

I’m so thankful we serve a God who gives us a tool like worship. We need to worship. I have always loved to sing, but especially love singing songs to God, and about God, but I have never really known the deep need for us as God’s own kids, to worship him, until recently when my family and I suffered a tragedy- one of those moments in life where the rug got pulled from under us. I was told when four months pregnant with our fourth baby that the baby no longer had a heartbeat. I was by myself, alone in a hospital room. (This was an unexpected thing, and so my husband Koby was home with our other three kids, preparing a turkey for a big Christmas dinner we were planning on having that night) It was in that moment, alone, when I remembered these songs, these words, these truths that I have sung so often, and how in a moment like this, of desperation, of confusion, of loss and saddness, that I needed to get my worship on!!!! Thankfully I was in a room by myself and had this peaceful privacy, and as I sat on this hospital bed waiting for my husband and midwife to arrive, not knowing what the next few days would look like, I felt the Spirit of God whisper to me so gently- Now is the time to stand and worship. As if I felt like it. As if I wanted to, but I knew deep in my heart, just like it says in James 1, that in order to ‘not get thrown off course’, that I needed, I needed-needed, to stand and worship… and boy did I ever.

Its so amazing that God knows what we need, before we even need it. I had recently made a playlist on my phone of songs like ‘It is Well With my Soul’ and ‘I am Not Alone’ and ‘Prince of Peace’ and ‘Here Now’. Songs that all refer to God’s presence being with us in a time of trial.

Its not that singing a few songs made everything easy- as the weekend progressed, I was admitted into the hospital and had to be induced and delivered a perfect, tiny little baby boy. Not the easiest weekend for us at all. But can I tell you… what God provided for us in that valley was peace and strength and hope and so much more. I sang as I cried, and I sang as I laboured- I sang through the pain. I sang these truths about Him and to Him. And God was right there. His word says that He is close to the broken hearted.

You see, God gives us these perfect gifts like the gift we have to worship. Not that you have to be ‘gifted’ to worship, like know how to sing or play the guitar with skill… Worship is way wayyyy more than music and ability. It's the state of our heart. Its a beneficial gift - something we get to do, that benefits our lives. It's a stance towards God that says He is always good, all the time. Its a tool that brings us life in our every day ups and downs. Its a gift to get to look towards Heaven and sing praises to our King! And when we do, what happens to us- in us- is so supernatural. We are shaped, changed, strengthened.

Because of this, I will always choose to be passionate in how I worship. After all, the bible is pretty clear about how we can express ourselves passionately while worshipping!

Psalm 134 says to ‘lift up holy hands and praise the Lord!’ and Psalm 98 says to 'shout for joy to the Lord all the earth… burst into jubilant song’. Hello!

I pray that my heart will always be willing to worship God, and to worship Him passionately. Through the valleys and the mountaintops, He promises that He is always with us, so why not worship Him?!!!

I’m so thankful for this great God that we get to serve!

Jenna LieschRelate Generation Pastor

Jenna Liesch

Relate Generation Pastor




I feel like God has been working on my character BIG TIME over the last several years.  For a while it felt like I couldn’t catch a break. I knew God was there the whole time, but life was hard. My circumstances were difficult. Many thoughts of complacency, inadequacy, and inferiority began to rise up.  When they did, I wasn't a super hero determined to slay those damning thoughts, but I did simply think to myself, "I can’t think this way." 

A small, uneventful, anticlimactic realization… I can’t think this way. 

I would love to say that I turned to my bible every time these thoughts surrounded me and that I would read an uplifting exhortation to help me see who I was through God’s eyes and who was I to think anything less than that I was a daughter of the King. Honestly, most of the time, I didn’t.  I found solace, comfort and personal growth in reaching out to my daily relationships.  I found that as I focused a little harder on loving my children well and investing into them, my worth as a very valuable part of their life brought me purpose.  I found that as I sat with my parents or my sisters and laughed and enjoyed being with them in a relaxed family atmosphere, I was being heard and had value.  I found that in the moments that friends came to me for advice or prayer or to just download a hard day into hearing ears, my issues didn’t disqualify me from being helpful.  I found that as I focused on my job as creative pastor and helped shape a moment in our church service that would help people know the depth of God’s love for them, I had eternal purpose.  I found that as chose to place myself in situations where I could be useful in any capacity, it began to slowly shape my thoughts and life into something more beautiful and refreshing then I could ever dream for myself. 

The thought that comes in Ecclesiastes 3:11 : He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end, rings so true to me.  The hard moments helped shape me to who I am today and the most beautiful part is that at no time was I forgotten or cast aside in the eyes of God.  Every moment of pain, every tear, was shaping me so that I could give to the hearts around me in the future. It isn’t an accident that my life is where it is today.  It was a very purposed act of a very loving father who took the most pain filled, ugly parts of me and turned them into something more beautiful and precious then my heart could dare to dream.

That simple, uneventful, anticlimactic decision when I told myself, "No, I can’t think this way"… It changed my life.

Ashley MohrCreative Pastor

Ashley Mohr
Creative Pastor